Quick Facts
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is a group of fibrous minerals that was commonly used in home and industrial building products, commercial goods, lighting fixtures, flooring, and many more items. It was useful due to its high chemical resistance, heat resistance, longevity and binding properties.
What types of asbestos are there?
There are six regulated forms of asbestos: chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite.
Why is asbestos a concern?
Asbestos fibres are extremely fine and when introduced into the air can be inhaled deep into the lung tissue. Fibres lodged in lung tissue over time can cause serious disease.
What should I do if I suspect I have asbestos in my home or work?
Contact Airo Enviro Labs, or another environmental professional, to have a sample safely taken and analyzed. Do not attempt to remove it yourself.
What will happen if there is asbestos found?
You should contact an asbestos remediation professional to discuss what to do moving forward.
What is mould?
Moulds are fungi that produce spores for reproduction. Mould spores are present everywhere, all the time but grow in places that are damp or wet. Spores can survive for long periods in dry conditions but will only reproduce when water is present.
Why is mould a concern?
Mould spores can be allergens and people with high sensitivity can be affected by the presence of increased levels of spores in an area. Some moulds are also toxic and can therefore be a health concern. Mould growth will also indicate a potential water problem in buildings and can cause physical damage to materials.
What should I do if I suspect a mould problem?
Contact an environmental professional to come to your home or business and have an assessment done. They will often take air samples and tape lift samples in areas where problems are suspected.
What can I do if there is a mould problem?
Contact a remediation professional to discuss the options moving forward.